Today’s Global Business Environment Leadership Imperatives

February 10, 2021 by admin

Few in the business world would deny that management and leadership have changed over the last two decades.  The rise of the global village and its impact on both business and their workforces, increased economic volatility, and shareholders has made the management of business increasingly intense.  This swift transition from local to international leader has left many managers unsure of how to tackle their roles, but by employing a few imperatives and core competencies, managing a workforce in an increasingly diverse and global business arena can be astonishingly easy.

Flawless Communications:  Information is the backbone of any business, but it isn’t as simple as being able to make your views known in oral and written communications, but also actively listen and fully appreciate any information that you are being given, so that you can best use it.   But to communicate in a flawless way goes beyond what you say and write, and encompasses tone of voice and body language; if you give a strong message, your tone and stance must say the same thing if you are going to be convincing.

Execute Actions Masterfully: When you have agreed goals, you need to demonstrate that you are pursuing them relentlessly.  To do this goes beyond simply doing your job, and embraces caring about the end product, respecting your team, and being fully committed to the customers’ wants and needs.  To execute your actions in this way, you need to be mindful of both internal and external customers, and strive to exceed their expectations.

Build Strong Networks: Connecting with suppliers, internal customers and business clients has become one of the most power tools available to managers.   The strong leader actively pursues and cultivates relationships with the people that they deal with regularly, and it has been shown that managers who have built strong alliances with their business partners are more likely to be able to push through their decisions and strategies.  The network that you build should span organizational, cultural, and geographic boundaries.

Exercise Insightful Judgement: In the competitive business environment that we now find ourselves in, decisions often have to be made swiftly, and that means there can be no margin for error.  Today’s managers need to be able to make sound decisions – that often may impact on the business or the customer – promptly, but there is little room for error so they need to be well considered and insightful, based on instinct, analysis, and sound knowledge.   The mark of a good manager is the strong decisions that they make.

Push Business Frontiers: Following on from making insightful judgements, a manager is expected to apply their experience and knowledge in order to push the boundaries of the business.  These might be in terms of the cultural, environmental, or legal aspects of the company as well as the global business aspirations.  This means that the manager should always be thinking of the possible future state as well as simply satisfying the current state, and considering how best they can help propel the company there.

It is imperative that the modern manager considers how they can benefit the company, their direct employees, and their internal and external customers at all times.  There is no longer a place for managers who simply do their job, and these competencies, are essential to be able to grow the business and service all customers beyond their expectations, and that is what good business is all about.